ClockThursday, 09/11/2023 07:14

“If Opportunity doesn’t Knock, Build a Door”

TTH.VN - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan, Acting Rector of the University of Education, Hue University (HUEdu), quoted well-known American actor Milton Berle when he commented on the long-lasting efforts of Dr. Tran Quang Hoa, who has just been awarded the French Academy of Sciences Tremplin prize for bilateral collaborations ASEAN.

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Dr. Tran Quang Hoa has been widely known among the scientific community throughout the country recently. He was awarded the French Academy of Sciences Tremplin prize for “ASEAN Springboard Prize for Bilateral Research Cooperation” on October 17, 2023.

Dr. Tran Quang Hoa is currently the Vice-Dean of the HUEdu Faculty of Mathematics. Dr. Tran Quang Hoa and the French Professor Marc Chardin surpassed thousands of scientists to win the prestigious award for the study “Describing geometry in commutative algebra”.

Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’s research focuses on theoretical mathematics, but it also has specific applications, namely, the “rational mapping” which is used to model objects such as cars, airplanes, or applications in engineering or in 3D printing technology.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan emphasized that Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’s reception of the award played a great significance in the cause of building and developing the university reputation. It established not only his value and fame, but also the university’s reputation in the higher educational map of Vietnam and of the world. The award has also been a source of motivation and encouragement to the academics to make efforts to do research and achieved crowning success. It also inspired students who are starting their research career.

As a teacher and researcher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan commented that there were remarkable points in Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’s story. First, “there are no desperate situations, there are only people who are desperate because of the situation.” Second, being disadvantaged is not a desired “spice” of life, but once in the game of fate, many people learned to turn that “unpleasant spice” into a driving force for advancement.

Dr. Tran Quang Hoa is a person in such circumstance. The countryside where he was born and grew up may have been very poor, but he was rich in energy. His feet may burn from the harsh dry land, but his heart boils with the fire of passion. With effort and passion, he has overcome everything to reach the glorious podium for the winner regardless of difficulties and barriers.

“I realize that Milton Berle’s words ‘If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,’ is so true. Opportunity is invisible to those who wait for it, but visible to those who proactively seek it. Dr. Tran Quang Hoa stepped out of one geographical region to integrate into another culture where he created opportunities for himself, breaking through with the identity of Hue, of HUEdu, and of Vietnam. His story helps us realize the truth. If an opportunity knocks on your door, you are lucky. But if the door is always silent without a knock, you must make the sound or be brave to find other doors", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan said.

In today’s flat world, countless attractive doors are opening or waiting for us to open. The key issue is how to behave after walking through the door. This is also another important point from Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’s story, that is, “going far to return”.

It is regarded as “HUEdu identity”. I really appreciate the person who departed and then returned. Everyone knows the attractions of material standards of life, academic atmosphere, and remuneration offered at the “stops” on the scientific journey. Therefore, we have reasons to appreciate Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’s return. His choice has his love for family, homeland, and country.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan believes that HUEdu core values were present in his choice as the university had given him wings to fly high. Therefore, on behalf of HUEdu Rectorate, I would like to thank Dr. Tran Quang Hoa for his return that has fostered the humanistic “heritage” of generations of lecturers and students at HUEdu. He has overcome the disadvantages and found his opportunities to shine with his passion. He started his academic journey here, and now he has come back. It is the inspiration of passion, dedication, and homeland return. I hope this inspiration will spread widely to his HUEdu learners, colleagues, and the community.

The award “ASEAN Springboard Prize for Bilateral Research Cooperation” from the French Academy of Sciences is certainly Dr. Tran Quang Hoa’ special achievement. But there will be more important achievements in the future. To step forward, this award from Dr. Tran Quang Hoa will become an inspirational story for everyone.

Story and photo: Duc Quang
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