The authors delivering their speeches at the opening ceremony of the exhibition and introducing the books about Vietnam
According to the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in France, about 20 large panels displaying documentary pictures about the Vietnam War and the Paris Agreement are located at the city hall of Verrières-le-Buisson, which is situated on the outskirts of Paris. The exhibition aims to introduce visitors to valuable documents, which are extracted from a collection of hundreds of French as well asinternational articles, and collected in a book entitled “1968-1973 Verrières-le-Buisson: havre de paix” by many authors.
The articles describe the war in Vietnam and the negotiation process of the Paris Agreement, which is considered one of the longest negotiation processes within the 20th century, as well as the presence of a delegation of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam at thehouse No. 49; now, at 17 Cambacérès Street, in the city of Verrières-le-Buisson during the negotiation and signing process of the Paris Agreement from 1968 to 1973. Ms. Nguyen Thi Binh, former Deputy President of Vietnam, holding the position of Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government at that time, was the head of the delegation.
The authors presenting the book entitled “1968-1973 Verrières-le-Buisson: havre de paix”
Also, part of the book is devoted to another arduous, hard, persistent and unending struggle of Vietnamese people against the consequences of Agent Orange that the US army used during their military intervention in this country.
Upon his sharing with the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in France, Mr. Christian Gautier, one of the book's authors, said: “When I was a child, my family lived opposite to the house where the delegation stayed. I used to pick muguet flowers, a symbol of good luck, to give to Mrs. Binh every May 1st.
As an avid collector of newspapers and books by subject, he has kept a lot of articles about Vietnam. Fifteen years ago, he thought he should gather articles, pictures and documents related to the Vietnam War and the history of the connection between the city of Verrières-le-Buisson and Vietnamese friends during that period, and he actually carried out his plan. According to him, “articles are collected from many French and international newspapers and magazines, with all political spectrum, both left and right wings, opposers and supporters, but most advocate the peace for Vietnam”.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Signing Ceremony, Mr. Christian Gautier and some friends, including Mr. Jean-Marie Jacquemin, then published the book “1968-1973 Verrières-le-Buisson: havre de paix”. With the help of the Vietnamese Embassy in France and many friends from France and Vietnam, the authors have collected a lot of documents and images as well as articles related to the war in Vietnam, the struggle for peace and national independence of the Vietnamese people in the past, and also the fight against the consequences of Agent Orange in the coming time.
Jean-Marie Jacquemin, the author of the book, added: “This year, on the 50th anniversary of this important event, the Historical Society of Verrières-le-Buisson has re-published the book, which includes additional documents on activities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Signing Ceremony, as well as the ceremony of placing the relic sign at the house at 17 Cambacérès Street in 2013, as well as pictures of the hosts meeting Ms. Nguyen Thi Binh during their trip to Vietnam in 2018”.
Being proud of what the city has done, Mr. François Guy Trébulle, Mayor of Verrières-le-Buisson, affirmed at the opening ceremony of the exhibition: “The fact that Ms. Binh and the Vietnamese delegation chose Verrières to stay during the negotiation process has made our city “le havre de paix”, as Jean-Marie Jacquemin compares in his book on Vietnam".
The exhibition is expected to last until the end of January.
Source: Vietnam News Agency