ClockMonday, 30/10/2023 16:41

Minimizing plastic waste

TTH.VN - Plastic waste is not biodegradable, which can only break into small pieces and float everywhere. With the exposure to sunlight, it may take many centuries to decompose. Those very familiar everyday small objects such as straws and bottle caps could take from 100 to 500 years to decompose; while it takes from 500 to 1,000 years for the flimsy plastic bags, and from 50 to 200 years for convenient foam cups to decompose, etc. Our environment and health are extremely negatively affected by plastic waste. It directly impacts soil, water, and air, which also creates favorable conditions for many disease-causing bacteria.

Launching the Hue Green HubLaunching the “No Plastic Bag Week”

Aiming to share the efforts for actions to minimizing plastic waste in the community, Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to introduce to readers some photos captured by Hoang Phuoc, the photographer. In everyday life, we hope that each of us will further understand the negative impact of plastic waste to change our behavior for the better one towards collecting and treating plastic waste for an increasingly greener - cleaner - brighter and friendlier life.

 Purchasing plastic scraps
 Plastic wastes were stuck on trees after a flood
 After a day collecting plastic scraps
 Plastic is crushed for recycling
 A little boy was responding to the “Green Sunday” project
By Thua Thien Hue Weekly


Thua Thien Hue province launches Green Innovation Contest 2019

The provincial People's Committee has officially launched Thua Thien Hue Green Innovation Contest 2019 to call on the people to join hands for the campaigns “Say no to disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags”, and “Anti-plastic waste” for making Thua Thien Hue province Greener, Cleaner and Brighter.

Thua Thien Hue province launches Green Innovation Contest 2019


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