ClockTuesday, 15/08/2017 15:09

Building a model of smart city

TTH.VN - Solutions of online digital signature, online public service in state agencies and model of smart city have just been discussed by the Council of Chief Information Officer (CIO) of state agencies in provinces and cities in the Central and Western Highlands at the 2017 meeting.

Building Thua Thien Hue into a smart, friendly city

CIOs of state agencies in the Central and Western Highlands provinces discuss solutions to build the smart city model

At the conference, delegates focused to discuss solutions for building the model of smart city and evaluation criteria; model of implementing online public service at levels 3, 4; solution of implementing online digital signature in state agencies; working to ensure safety, security of information network system and IT application ...

At the same time, the delegates exchanged, raised shortcomings, proposed solutions, shared their practical experiences so that there were recommendations, directions and advices for leaders, for agencies in order to promote the effective application of information and improve the e-Government development index of Vietnam.

In the framework of the conference, the cooperation between Korea-Vietnam Friendship Information Technology College and the Departments of Information and Communications of Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces was signed.

By Mai Anh

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Hue City: Building infrastructure for a smart city

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