“Dreamy Eyes” coffee shop and Bao Vinh ancient town at night
Chosing some houses in Bao Vinh ancient town (Huong Tra) as background scenery for the film “Dreamy Eyes”, Victor Vu, the director, has brought to viewers a freshness about a neighborhood, where many traces of old urban areas are facing the risk of disappearance.
Among them was the house number 66 of Ms. Hong Tam and her husband, which was chosen to be the house of Ha Lan, a main actress in the film. Later on, she opened a coffee shop with the same name as the film.
This coffee shop has become a destination for many tourists from inside and outside the province, as well as foreigners. At night, while sipping coffee here, guests can relax their soul and listen to stories about the quarter of bygone days.
According to the statistics of Huong Vinh Commune People's Committee, in 2003, there were still 40 old houses and 9 kiosks in Bao Vinh ancient town. However, that number is currently much smaller, the plan to renovate this ancient town since 2003 makes it difficult for the people to build and repair their houses. Moreover, the evironmental sanitation issues, embankments against landslides are the problems that need to be removed.
At the meeting to welcome the "Dreamy Eyes" film crew back to Hue after achieving a great revenue in early 2020, the participants were excited as the representative of the provincial leaders mentioned the orientation of preserving and exploiting the ancient town of Bao Vinh. Previously, tour operators had had a survey of the ancient town by waterway as well as assessed the location for the potential to become a tourist destination.
Recently, the people of Huong Vinh commune (Huong Tra town) has painted the back of 54 houses in Bao Vinh ancient town. Each household was given 1 liter of paint per 5m2 to re-paint the back of their houses, where there is often little care and attention, especially the houses located by the river’s edge.
Once having the opportunity to follow some photographers and see their works on Bao Vinh ancient town viewed from the river, we feel them like paintings with sunny and nostalgic colors of painters who paint quiet street corners with oil paint.
In 2016, we attended a small workshop on an idea that has now become a reality: painting the oldhouses in Bao Vinh ancient town. The project leader at the time, a young man, presented the aboveidea after researching the towns of several countries around the world with the same age as Bao Vinh. His idea could help develop tourism services, link the destinations of nearby craft villages in the region and benefit the community.
About 10 houses have now finished the painting of their backs. The locals have responded enthusiastically to this activity and the selection of colors; carrying out the ideas has been studied and consulted by experts. The local People's Committee has also established an interdisciplinary workinggroup to carry out the plan, restore and promote the value of Bao Vinh ancient town.
This group will coordinate with the relevant authorities and agencies to re-evaluate the implementation of the 2003 conservation plan approved by the province. They will also hire a consultancy unit to help in forming regulations for ancient town management; planning, budgeting for conservation andrestoration; as well as giving advice on organizing conferences on conservation of Bao Vinh ancient town, etc...
This surely is good news for the ancient town. Hopefully, this town will have the movements and the synergy of many people so that Hue will have one more ideal destination for those who love the ancient capital.
By L.Tue