With tradition and chivalry spirit, courage, and ingenuity preserved and promoted for more than 400 years since the Nguyễn Lord, Sình village wrestling festival always attracts a large number of spectators inside and outside the province.
Taking place in 1 day, Sình village wrestling festival has two parts: the ceremony part and the festival one. Due to COVID-19, for the past 3 years, in the wrestling festival, only the ceremony has been held with dignified worshiping rituals, praying for good weather and nation’s peace. As for the festival part - the playground for local wrestlers and cross-country guests to compete, is temporarily pended and replaced by the “vật lệ” part.
Before entering the ceremony and “vật lệ” parts, to ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic, nearly 100 local people attending the event all made sure to wear masks. In addition, the village elders and 4 pairs of local wrestlers who were selected to participate in the “vật lệ” all took rapid COVID-19 tests.
The “vật lệ” part witnessed the competition of 8 wrestlers (including 2 pairs of youth, 2 pairs of teenagers). As the result, the first prize in young age group belonged to Huỳnh Minh Ánh, the wrestler; while the champion in teenager group belonged to Võ Rum.
The following are some photos taken in the wrestling festival:

In the early morning, people in the area went to the communal house waiting to see the “vật lệ” and wear masks according to regulations

Inside, the medical staff take rapid COVID-19 tests for the village elders, the members of the Organizing board and participating wrestlers

Next, the village elders perform the ritual of worshiping, praying for good weather and nation’s peace

Before the competition, the wrestlers facing the communal house and prostrating 3 times following the drums. It’s the difference of Sinh village wrestling festival

Although there are no the participation of so many wrestlers, the “vật lệ” still attracts a lot of local people to cheer

Competition in the youth is quite intense

Võ Rum - the champion of the teenager group

Huỳnh Minh Ánh – the champion of the youth group
By Hàn Đăng