ClockFriday, 03/11/2017 17:52

French visitor rescued from cardiac arrest

TTH.VN - Doctors at Hue Central Hospital have successfully rescued a French visitor who suffered cardiac arrest.

Diagnosis at the cardiovascular post-anesthesia recovery room

The patient was Mr. Bernard H. (a 71 year-old French visitor), who had chest pain and abdominal pain when he was taken to Hue Central International hospital on October 13. As the patient had signs of sudden cardiac arrest, apnea, blood pressure of zero, upper body cyanosis, the doctors quickly moved him to the Emergency Medicine Department.

After the emergency and treatment in the hospital, the patient passed the dangerous point and his health was getting stable. On discharge from hospital, Mrs. Bernadette H., wife of patient Bernard H. expressed her gratitude to the doctors of Hue Central Hospital who had dedicatedly rescued her husband.

By Minh Van


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