ClockTuesday, 21/11/2017 14:13

“For a green environment”

TTH.VN - This is the theme of the Composition exhibition of teachers and students from Department of Art Education, College of Arts held on the occasion of Vietnamese Teacher’s Day. The exhibition showcases 41 artworks created by the staff of College of Arts

Students of Hue Music Academy sing to celebrate Vietnamese Teacher’s Day

With plentiful materials such as: oil, lacquer, acrylic, silk, color powder, wood, iron pen, synthetic material, etc. the artists from College of Arts expressed many different themes of life like flowers, revival, time, old streets, wedding, childhood, etc

“For a green environment” exhibition

24 works of students under the guidance of teachers from Department of Art Education is a novel creativity. From the refuse materials such as: empty beer cans, barbed wires, nylon wastes, etc. the artists created many unique  installation artworks, sending the viewers a message about the urgent need of environmental protection and preservation of life.

Story, photos: Minh Hien

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