ClockFriday, 11/08/2017 16:45

Displaying 150 documents on Hue press

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of August 10th, Hue Museum of Culture opened the exhibition with special subject of "Hue Press - The Stages".

Exhibiting original memorabilia about Uncle Ho

Guests at the exhibition. Photo: Minh Hien

The exhibition displays nearly 150 images and documents on Hue press. Most of them are progressive, national, patriotic and revolutionary print editions aiming to recreate a part of the appearance of Hue press through historical periods in which each newspaper recorded its local cultural heritage values.

Over the past 100 years of establishment and development, the press in Hue has been an essential means of communication that plays an important role in social life and is closely linked to the history of the nation. It is also a rich and diverse source of historical information, contributing to clarify many issues of Hue's history and culture in the early modern era.

By Minh Hien

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