ClockMonday, 06/07/2020 16:57

The No Cai Bum Contemporary Art Week opened

TTH.VN - The No Cai Bum Contemporary Art Week, which attracts the participation of artists from all three regions of the country with many different types of art, was opened on the evening of July 4 at Diem Phung Thi Art Center.

36 authors participating in contemporary art exhibitionThe story of "Nghiem"

The public enjoys impressive music performances in the opening night

The No Cai Bum Art Week, opened from July 4 to 9 in Hue, is co-organized by NEST Studio, Mo Do Art Space and the Symbioses project, with the support of sponsors and the art community across the country.

In a week, art works by 56 artists across the country, from the Southern to the Northern regions, are gathered in Hue. They are displayed in six spaces, including Diem Phung Thi Art Center of Hue Fine Arts Museum, Mo Do, NEST Studio, Then cafe, Nam Mua (Five Seasons), and the University of Arts - Hue University.

In addition to the exhibition, the art-loving public also has a chance to attend the studios opening event of the University of Arts - Hue University and of the artists such as Nguyen Van He, Nguyen Hoa, Phan Hai Bang, and the Le Brothers; and attend art shows, contemporary dance, talks with artists and curators as well as discussions on cinema, etc.

Story and photo: Minh Hien

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