The journey of the five-panel Ao dai

The journey of the five-panel Ao dai

For Hue, the Ao dai carries a glorious past and a unique style of the imperial capital.
"Landscape Design of South Eo Bau - Thuong Thanh" Competition:
From idea to hope coming true

The contest was launched to get design ideas towards the embellishment and reconstruction of the landscape through Eo Bau - Thuong Thanh area.

From idea to hope coming true
Establishment of the Hue Heritage Conservation Fund

Hue Heritage Conservation Fund is a national fund established by the Government and assigned to Thua Thien - Hue province to manage, in order to mobilize resources to invest in the restoration...

Establishment of the Hue Heritage Conservation Fund
200 years of a land’s name

Being named Thua Thien prefecture, this land was also the capital of the Nguyen Dynasty, so it had a special position in terms of functions, duties, officials’ ranking, salary and incentives.

200 years of a land’s name
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