Tourists to Hue on At Ty Tet holiday |
The number of tourists to Hue in the mentioned 7 days was estimated at nearly 60,200 arrivals, increasing 33% compared to the same period of last year. Domestic visitors were estimated at over 58,400 arrivals, witnessing an increase of 36% compared to the same period. Revenue from tourism was estimated at 178 billion VND, growing 33% year over year.
Reported in this period, Hue was estimated to welcome 50,930 staying guests, an increase of 35% year over year. This included over 28,550 international tourists, increasing 34% compared to last year, while the number of domestic visitors was estimated at nearly 22,400 arrivals, surging 36% year over year. The average room occupancy was estimated at 63%.
Notably, on the 3rd day of Tet (January 31, 2025), the number of visitors coming to Hue was estimated at nearly 30,900 arrivals; in which, the number of international tourists was estimated to account for over 15.100, while that of domestic tourists was estimated at over 15,700. Revenue from tourism was nearly 45 billion VND. The number of staying guests was estimated at over 13.400 arrivals, including nearly 7.400 international tourists and over 6.000 domestic guests. The average room occupancy was estimated at 81%.