The photographer and witness to Emperor Bao Dai's abdication
20/09/2024 08:14
He is an elderly man who is 106 years old, still living in Hue. It is extremely rare for a witness of the abdication of the last emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty 79 years ago to still be alive today. Not only that, he also participated in photographing Emperor Bao Dai.
Hue-born photographer opens photo exhibition themed "The ao dai which I love"
05/03/2024 16:31
Many images of Ao dai Hue and Hue ancient capital’s relics are being displayed by Kao Kuong, a Hue-born photographer (whose real name is Nguyen Cao Cuong) in a photo exhibition themed "The Ao dai which I love". The exhibition opened on March 2 at 87 Tran Quoc Thao Street, Ho Chi Minh City.
Thomas Billhardt “Reunites with Vietnam”
21/05/2023 21:26
“Reunion with Vietnam” is the theme of a photo exhibition of Thomas Billhardt, a German photographer, which takes place from the afternoon of May 19 to 26 at Lan Vien Co Tich 2 – an intercultural meeting place (Bach Dang St., Hue City).
Meeting battlefield photographer Lam Duc Hien
11/08/2022 07:20
Showing the connection between lands, cultures and people is what battlefield photographer Lam Duc Hien aims for behind each set of photos.
The photographer and witness to Emperor Bao Dai's abdication
He is an elderly man who is 106 years old, still living in Hue. It is extremely rare for a witness of the abdication of the last emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty 79 years ago to still be alive today. Not only that, he also participated in photographing Emperor Bao Dai.