Promoting Hue tourism internationally: Need to soon implement and have a specific strategy04/06/2022 10:49It is necessary to strengthen the promotion and promote Hue tourism to international tourist markets when the markets are gradually showing a recovery.
New signals from international tourists16/05/2022 08:59Hue tourism has welcomed the first delegations of international tourists after a long time of waiting.
A pilot program of shared bike service in Hue04/04/2022 17:06A pilot program of shared bike services will begin on April 29, along with “Hue Citadel By Night” launched on April 22 and many other programs and festivals in order to create a highlight to raise tourism demand after the opening of international tourist markets.
Hue tourism on the recovery11/03/2022 19:12Domestic tourists will continue to come to Hue with stable numbers, and the recovery will continue when international visitors come back to the city from March 15.