Portuguese artist showcasing digital paintings in Hue
06/03/2025 17:57
The digital painting exhibition by Manuel Casimiro, a Portuguese artist, officially opened on the afternoon of March 5th at Lan Vien Co Tich (94 - 96 - 98 Bach Dang Street, Phu Xuan District, Hue City).
Roaming sedate city
13/11/2024 08:46
Regardless of day or night, Vientiane (Laos) is not noisy and bustling but strangely quiet. There, thousands of Vietnamese people, many of whom view Vientiane as their second homeland, are earning their living.
KinoFest 2024 - the German Film Festival to be held in Hue late this month
23/10/2024 14:14
KinoFest, the German Film Festival is an annual film festival organized by Goethe Institute in Southeast Asia for contemporary German cinema. This year, the film festival will be held in Hue from October 26 to 27 at Lan Vien Co Tich cultural space (No. 94 - 96 - 98 Bach Dang, Hue City).
A ceramic "reunion" of 9 artists
26/08/2024 21:19
The art exhibition featuring unique and eye-catching ceramic pieces opened on the afternoon of August 25th at Lan Vien Co Tich 2, pertaining to the Huong River Museum of Ancient Pottery (94 - 96 - 98 Bach Dang, Hue City).
Intercultural heritage through literary and artistic works of the early 20th century
01/12/2023 08:50
This was the topic of a seminar held on the afternoon of November 29 at Lan Vien Co Tich 2 - an intercultural rendezvous at 94, 96, 98 Bach Dang, Hue City.
Hue youth and the passion for skateboards
02/09/2023 07:17
Every day at around 4:30 p.m., as long as it doesn't rain, at Thuong Bac Park, Da Vien Park, or at the foot of Truong Tien Bridge, we can easily catch up with a group of about 20 young men and women, who wear loose sportswear, suede flats, and hold skateboards. They often practice and perform attractive sliding movements.
Being at the construction site of the bridge over the Huong River on Nguyen Hoang Street
28/08/2023 16:52
Along with Bach Ho Bridge, which is a railroad bridge, and Thao Long Bridge, with the architectural structure of a bridge at the top and a dam below to prevent salinity at the bottom, there is a total of seven bridges over the Huong River, namely Truong Tien Bridge, Phu Xuan Bridge, Da Vien Bridge, Tuan Bridge, and Dinh Market Bridge.
“Niem hoa” exhibition opened
08/06/2023 20:22
On the afternoon of June 6, the G39 artist group organized an art exhibition entitled “Niem hoa” at Lan Vien Co Tich (Bach Đang Street). Mr. Phan Thien Dinh, Secretary of the Hue City Party Committee, attended the event.
Thomas Billhardt “Reunites with Vietnam”
21/05/2023 21:26
“Reunion with Vietnam” is the theme of a photo exhibition of Thomas Billhardt, a German photographer, which takes place from the afternoon of May 19 to 26 at Lan Vien Co Tich 2 – an intercultural meeting place (Bach Dang St., Hue City).
Oh the sunshine in March!
27/03/2023 16:42
“Nắng lên rồi cơn nắng tháng Ba. Thắm đỏ lưng trời...” (“The sun is up and it's the March sunshine. It reddens the sky ...”) - it seems that there is hardly any color of sunshine that can be brighter than the one in the days celebrating Hue's liberation, covering the streets from Truong Tien to Dong Ba, from Da Vien to Hen islets.
Portuguese artist showcasing digital paintings in Hue
The digital painting exhibition by Manuel Casimiro, a Portuguese artist, officially opened on the afternoon of March 5th at Lan Vien Co Tich (94 - 96 - 98 Bach Dang Street, Phu Xuan District, Hue City).