Sound meditation helps us concentrate our minds and get rid of outside noise and impurities |
I found it quite interesting because it was the first time I heard about this method. This method originated in India a long time ago and has been proven by scientists for its ability to remove negative energy from the body, reduce stress and heal effectively.
The basic principle of the Himalayan singing bowl set is to create sound and vibration waves. While the sound waves connect to brainwave frequencies, the vibration waves connect to the nervous system in the body. The sound from the singing bowls helps induce relaxation, and it also has the ability to reach and transform congested areas within the body.
At the cozy workshop, Mr. Ton Anh Duy, a meditation, yoga and sound therapy instructor, explained the operating principles as well as the effects that sound meditation brings: “The sound of the Tibetan singing bowls directly affects human brain waves. It can transform anxiety into calmness and meditation. Normally, people in modern society find it difficult to have quiet moments. They are always in a state of worry, and rarely have their minds relaxed. That is why the body, controlled by the brain, cannot rest. Diseases arise, and eventually reduced the quality of human life. With the impact of the singing bowls in the right method and measurement, human brain waves begin to put the body into a state of rest, stimulating its own self-healing process.”
The singing bowls will create sound waves with many different frequencies, affecting the human body and mind. |
After the exciting experience of bell meditation, I and many members of the session shared our own feelings. With particular physical condition and problem that each individual encountered, each person had different feelings.
Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam shared: “Before coming here, I often had headaches and prolonged insomnia due to my stressful work. After more than 40 minutes of experiencing meditation combined with listening to the sounds of the Tibetan singing bowls, my body became lighter. My mind became less stressed. Thereby, I had a feeling of relaxation and comfort. When I focused on listening to the bell, I fell asleep without even realizing it.”
Singing bowl has this name for their properties and effects. Seemingly, just a simple bowl sound, it carries a magical and profound source of energy.
An accurate and sophisticated singing bowl is crafted from 7 different metals, including the gold representing the Sun, the silver for the Moon, the mercury for the Mercury, the copper for the Venus, the iron for the Mars, the aluminum for the Jupiter, and the lead for the Saturn.
As for Mr. Ton Anh Duy, the sound meditation helps us concentrate our minds and get rid of external noise and impurities. In addition to meditation, the singing bowls also bring about deep relaxation, mental concentration, intellectual expansion, and bring people back and love themselves consciously.
“Every time we ring the bowls and rotate them, we awaken in our own souls. The sound waves emitted from the singing bowls will create a strong vibrational connection among energy centers in the body,” said Mr. Duy.
Because of these miracles, the singing bowls are often used for mental treatment for those who are suffering from stress, psychological fatigue, insomnia, headaches... In addition, the bell meditation also has the effect of regenerating energy sources, depending on the patient’s health and physical condition.
Nowadays, the singing bowls are widely used in yoga and meditation. In addition, practitioners also need to maintain a purely natural diet and scientific lifestyle to obtain the best results.