Board members researching the logo design sample
In order to promote the value of Hue Ao Dai brand, departments and agencies have recently organized seminars related to Hue Ao Dai, then proposed the province to build the Hue Ao Dai brand logo associated with the brand name ‘Hue - the capital of Ao Dai’. In 2020, the Provincial People's Committee assigns Hue City People's Committee presides over the coordination with departments and agencies to build the brand name of Hue Ao Dai, specifically, the project to create, manage and develop Hue Ao Dai brand logo for Ao dai products, including a Hue Ao Dai brand logo design competition.
According to Dr. Ho Thang, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Chairman of the Council to consider and select Hue Ao Dai logo designs. The purpose of the contest is to select logos that identify Hue Ao Dai to contribute to communicating Ao Dai product - one of the unique tourism products of Hue culture. The contest will find out creative ideas, unique designs to gradually build the Ao Dai brand name to contribute to making Hue become the capital of Ao Dai.
However, through the selection, although the designs are quite plentiful, the number of participating designers is small, the designs have not met the criteria set by the council, so, the members of the association continue calling for the participation of designers, disseminating the contest's criteria more widely, and at the same time, will order designers to create unique ideas depicting the images of Hue culture. The Council also acknowledges the designers' contributions and wishes to continue receiving the logo designs of Hue Ao Dai in the near future.
Story and photo: Thanh Huong